From 26 April 2022, MOH will no longer issue HRN.
If you are COVID Positive, do let me know immediately.
Read below on what to do next.
Do Not Come for Class . . .
If you Self Test ART Positive but are well, read this.
If you Self Test ART Positive and have other symptoms like sore throat, fever, cough, etc., read this.
If you Self Test ART Negative, but have COVID-19 symptoms like fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, Do Not Come for class as you'll be social interacting with your classmates for 1.5 - 2 hrs.
The main thrust in reading MOH advisory is to "minimize unnecessary social interaction".
ONLY come for class when you're Negative and Recovered from COVID-19 without any COVID-19 symptoms. Wear mask as a precaution.
Click on each item to expand the details.
1. Age Limit & Other Requirements for the class
Our students' age ranges from their 20's to 60's.
As this is a ballet school for adult learners, there is no upper age limit as long as you are:
- Adult, 18 years and above;
- Passion for ballet: Hardworking, Learning Attitude, Respectful;
- Good Understanding of English;
- Physically Fit for ballet exercises and
- Able to self-complete registrations/forms Online and read/reply message via Telegram app as the school basically runs on a self-service & DIY philosophy to keep costs down.
2. Class Size
Minimum = 10
Maximum = 13-19 depending on Class Level.
3. Dress Code for class Updated
Wearing proper ballet attire sets your frame of mind and mood to be ready for dance and ballet class proper. This has been attested by many of our adult students when they transit to wearing proper ballet attire.
So, students have to adhere to our dress code for class to ensure safe dancing and for proper correction to be made by the instructor:
For the Ladies: Ballet leotard (any style and length of sleeves) and tights to be worn in class with ballet slippers.
No Black or Dark Coloured Tights for Ladies.
Chiffon wrap skirt may be worn: However, the longest front side must reach middle of the thigh or shorter. It cannot be longer. The back part of the skirt can be longer.
No opaque skirt to be worn as it blocks the view of your alignment.
Click here on How to Tie Wrap Skit properly for Ballet Slass.
Not allowed: demi-pointe shoes, leg-warmers, shorts of any kind, 3/4 pants, jazz or yoga pants/tights, black or dark coloured tights, t-shirts, tank tops, tubes, sports bra, long wrap skirt that covers the knees.
For the Gentlemen: Tight T-shirts, tights or bike shorts with ballet slippers.
Not allowed: baggy T-shirts, loose shorts, jazz pants, leg-warmers.
You may wear any colour but ensure the colours don't clash or cause a distraction when you dance.
In general, 3 areas of the body should not be "blocked" from the instructor's view:
- ankle
- knee
- hip.
These 3 areas form the basic alignment fundamentals of ballet technique. When they are covered with oversized clothing, the instructor cannot accurately correct your alignment and, hence, your technique.
The tights keep the leg muscles warm throughout the class or rehearsals, thereby reducing the risk of injury while at the same time allows the instructor to check for correct alignment of the legs (again for injury prevention).
The ballet slippers are made to fit the feet to avoid tripping over while dancing and also allow for more flexibility to articulate and point the feet, enhancing the beauty and extension of the whole leg while working the intrinsic muscles of the feet.
So, the whole aesthetics of the ballet wear enhances the beauty of the human form (from which modern choreographers use in their creation of dance) and at the same time not hinder the technique needed to execute the complicated steps and movements.
Safety: For Safety Reasons to both yourself and your classmates:
~ Ornaments of any kind on any part of the body are Not allowed when taking class.
This includes watches, necklaces, dangling earrings, wristbands, bracelets, anklets, jewelleries of any kind and fitness trackers.
~ Eye glasses must be firmly secured to prevent them from flying out when executing sharp turns of head.
NOTE: Students not suitably dressed for class will be asked to observe class and not participate.
This includes hair as well. See Item #4 below.
Click here to find where to buy your ballet attire in Singapore.
Click here on how to choose the correct Ballet Slippers (Look under the heading "Ballet Slippers").
4. Hair (Male and Female)
Hair must be tied up in a ballet bun and must not cover the face in any way to obstruct your view during movement. This is not only for aesthetics reasons but also for safety.
Not allowed: long or short pony tails, loose braids or long fringes that cover eyes or distracts you when moving.
Hair pins must be firmly secured to prevent coming loose, flying "projectiles", posing a danger for self and others.
Click here to see some examples on how to tie hair for ballet class.
NOTE: Students' hair not properly tied for class will be asked to observe class and not participate.
This includes class attire as well. See Item #3 above.
5. Class Timetable
Please visit here for Class timing.
6. Class Calendar / Term Schedule
Please visit here for Class Calendar and Term Schedule.
It has the Most Updated version.
Should there be a change, this calendar will be updated first before any announcement.
Term calendar will only be confirmed one week before Term starts.
Do note that there will be No notification of when there is a lesson and when there isn’t. It is the student's onus to note down the class schedule.
We will only inform the class (via Telegram Channel) should there be any last-minute change in the Calendar after Term has started.
7. How are the lessons conducted? Updated
As of 29 August 2022, the Govt has eased mask wearing for indoor studios located on non-healthcare facilities.
With that, Mask Wearing during dance class is Optional
Students are expected to practice personal and social responsibility.
If you are not feeling well, please refer to the information at the top of this page.
Medium of instruction is in English with ballet terminologies called out in French.
This is a training school for adult in the fine art of Ballet. All efforts are made to ease the adult learner into this "mystical", secret and beautiful art form we call, "Ballet".
Steps taught are what is used in professional schools. We do not "dilute" the standards just because it is for adult learners. Rather, steps are slowly introduced in detail with their respective names, meanings and proper use of muscles at our Foundation Class.
Hence, all exercise combinations are called out in its French terms with explanation in English where necessary so that students are thoroughly educated in this fine art.
The Vaganova method is used to lay the groundwork for working and understanding artistry and technical detail. For the higher level classes, other syllabi are used for technical proficiency and performance. Developmental teaching methods are used for the safety of our students while learning this highly skilled art form.
See Item #9 below on "What is Expected of You during Class".
Foundation Class: This is an Introductory course to introduce the fundamentals of ballet steps at the barre of the Vaganova method and correct posture for this art form. All steps are demonstrated in detail. Each step’s French terms are introduced, its meaning explained along with which muscles to use so that a proper execution and understanding of each step is achieved and learning speeded up. At every lesson, 3 to 4 new steps are being taught.
Hence, this Introductory class is to be taken as a whole course of 10 lessons for it to be complete and beneficial. Each new step taught is a stepping stone for the next. This Foundation Class gives you the "tools" needed to progress to the next and succeeding levels.
A mid-term written test will be given to assess student's ability and tenacity to move on to Beginner's Class.
No Single Tryout Lesson or pro-rating is available for this class due to the above reasons.
(During the 1st Lesson, "Starter-Kit" Notes are given out to those registrants who have already paid for Full-Term enrolment before Term starts. In it are the classroom etiquette, what to wear for class, names of all the ballet steps at the barre in French and its respective meanings in English, 8 Directions of the Body, etc.
Note: This is only given Once. Charges apply for Reprints. See Item #25 below.)
All other classes: there are No demonstration of steps as they are already covered and equipped at Foundation Class. Demonstration and / or explanation is only for New steps being taught or to demonstrate the dynamics or proper technical execution of a particular step.
The reason is tri-fold:
~ Empowers students to have a good working knowledge of ballet exercises: know what each step is called in French, the meaning of the French terms and how it should be executed.
~ Should students go overseas and take ballet class, they will not be “lost” if French terms are used. Should the teacher there demonstrates the steps, then it is a bonus.
~ Allows students to focus on improving their technique and artistry instead of merely copying steps from the instructor.
Hence, students are expected to learn and be familiar with the French terminologies. This ensures they are not “handicapped” but rather better equipped when they go overseas and attend classes.
As we are using the Vaganova syllabus, there are set feet and arm positions different from other syllabi, exercises to be memorized, etc:
- positions of feet and arms
- 6 Vaganova port de bras (Beginner and Level 1 students only need to memorise 1st to 4th port de bras)
- 8 Directions of the Body which are taught in Foundation Class.
8. Technique Class Pre-requisites
Our classes are taught based on levels.
We do not have an "open class" concept.
So, students have to achieve the level of the class they register for.
If you are coming from another school, have a look at our Technique Class Pre-requisites page to see where you are at.
You may opt to come for a Single Lesson at prevailing rate for an assessment.
9. What is Expected of You during Class Updated
Have a Passion for Ballet:
Be Teachable and come with an attitude to learn French, rhythm, coordination, alignment, biology, physics, mathematics.
Be Diligent to complete homework(s) given and quickly memorize French terminologies of each step, the 8 Directions of the Body and set exercises to speed up your learning so you can spend time working on technique which is crucial in ballet training and moving from one level to the next.
Leave all your problem(s) outside of the studio when you come for class as it will distract you from learning and dancing safely.
Come Early to warm up your muscles. Sitting down in a straddle split while looking at your phone is NOT warm-up. You have to move all your muscles to the point of just breaking a sweat or feel your muscles are warming and ready to move. Focus and pay attention to the area you are warming up. Be intentional in warming up. Hence, it's advisable not to engage in long conversations while warming up. Cultivate this habit as this is for injury prevention and dancing safely. In short, be nice to yourself, protect yourself, empower yourself by being warmed-up and ready for class.
- If you are late for a lesson, DO NOT immediately join the class at the barre in the middle of an exercise.
You wouldn’t know what the exercise is about and will disrupt those around you.
(Don’t worry, your instructor already knows you are late the moment you enter the studio.)
Instead, go to an unoccupied corner and warm up. Only join in the class when the exercise has ended on both sides.
Don't walk in front of the instructor while he/she is talking unless motioned to so.
- If you are late for a lesson, DO NOT immediately join the class at the barre in the middle of an exercise.
Respect your instructor and give him/her your Full attention when he/she is talking or giving a correction especially so when it is not directed at you.
Don't talk / ask your classmates questions or practise any exercises just because you're bored of hearing it. Other students may want to hear it and you're preventing / distracting them.-
Always ask your instructor if you are Not clear about a certain step or exercise.
Here, at Ballet51, we are more concerned about whether students understood the material being taught in class.
Ability to execute the steps correctly and perfectly will come with time and much practice. -
When you are being corrected, demonstrate the step again with the correction to let your instructor know you understood the correction and, at the same time, help with "muscle memory" to correct and remember it. This is Not the time to "save face". Again, ask if you're not clear abut the correction. Don't just stand there trying to figure it out yourself.
When Corrections are called out without singling out a student's name, it is meant for ALL students in class.
When the instructor stops a class to correct a student, it is for Everyone in class to watch and learn together.
It is Not just for that student alone. Always Bear this in mind.
Much can be learned from watching a correction.
Dress appropriately for Class. See item #3 & #4 above.
Payment of school fees does not “reserve” you a specific spot at the barre.
Go to the barre where it is unoccupied.- Be aware of your surrounding when dancing in groups in the centre.
Do not "cut" into somebody's path endangering your fellow classmate(s).
- Be aware of your surrounding when dancing in groups in the centre.
Ballet51 Dance Studio will communicate with students issues that require immediate attention via our School's private Telegram Channel.
Do download this free App to be in the loop.
Ballet51 will Only be using Email for lengthy replies or sending receipts.
Ensure you have downloaded Telegram app in your phone so that we can add you into our private Telegram Channel from "Ballet51 Dance Studio".
Therefore, keep Ballet51 updated on your contact number and email address here.
Make sure you have my mobile number in your Telegram Contact and also Enable Channels to add you in. Otherwise, if we're unable to add you in for Term communication, door code access, etc. Admin fees apply to re-add you in.
If, however, you choose to keep your privacy, we respect that. You'll then have to ask your classmates on updates from the school as we're unable to write and send private individual messages or invites of any kind. -
Be Responsible. Observe and abide by all the rules and policies set herein and in the Studio or risk having lesson(s) forfeited.
- Have Open Communication with the Instructor(s) or the School to settle personal issues.
More information available at our DANCEblog: "Ballet Class Etiquette for Adult Learners".
Food for Thought: "If an exercise seems boring, it's because you made it so."
10. Make-up Lesson Updated
Make-up lesson (MUL) is Not an entitlement.
It is a Goodwill from us as we understand that sometimes you can't make it for class for whatever the reason.
What this means is that No Exception(s) will be given for whatever reason you may have for missing the deadline for request, missed the MUL entirely or not complying to our MUL Policy.
There is No MUL for MUL. You'll just need to re-apply, subject to your remaining MUL quota and below conditions.
(To help you understand a bit better, take the example of a movie ticket. If you bought a ticket for a movie at a specific date and time and didn't show up for it for whatever the reason, the cinema is not obligated to give you a replacement ticket or monetary compensation. Their obligation is to ensure the movie is shown on the specific date and time indicated on the ticket. So it is with us. Our obligation to students is to ensure classes are conducted on the specified dates and times.).
Unfortunately, we're unable to extend this Goodwill to pro-rated lessons as this Goodwill is only for Full-Term Enrolled students.
You can make up for missed lesson(s) as long as it is at the same or lower level within the Same category of class (i.e. technique class for technique class; pointe for pointe), and to be completed within the Same Term.
You cannot make up Technique lesson with Pointe lesson.
*Pointe Class students*: if we do not have another pointe class, an exception has been made for you. You can make up missed lessons up to a maximum of one (1) lesson for any other technique class which is at the same or lower level than your current technique class within the Same term. This exception will be void when we open another pointe class. This exception is Not applicable to Beginner Pointe class unless otherwise specified by the School.
- It is Only for Full-Term Enrolled Students (FTES), subjected to space availability, the prevailing pandemic issue and must be completed within the Same registered Term. So, we do not guarantee it.
By Full-Term Enrollment, we mean 10 lessons have been paid for the Same class within the Same term (for example: 10 lessons of Sat 10AM Beginner Class for Term 3). - MUL(s) cannot be exchanged for monetary compensation since it is Not an entitlement but a Goodwill from us (see above illustration about movie ticket).
- MUL(s) must be booked directly with Ballet51 MUL Scheduler and to be Completed within the Same Term.
- Link to Ballet51 MUL Scheduler is given every 1st day of the Term via our Telegram Private Channel.
- FTES can then check for the available slots and submit their request at least 1 week in advance of their intended MUL.
- You can request for MUL(s) in advance as long as you complete the number of lessons you enrolled for within the same term.
- Come Only after you've Received Confirmation from Ballet51 via Telegram app or email.
- See below regarding further conditions for medical and non-medical MUL(s).
Non-medical MUL:
Due to limited barre space and to prevent abuse of this Goodwill:
Each FTES is limited to 2 non-medical MULs per registered Full-Term class per term, (subject to above Conditions).
For example, if you've registered for 2 Full-Term classes (eg., BSaAM + BSaPM),
then you'll be limited to 4 non-medical MULs (subject to above Conditions).
Medical and non-medical MULs are not applicable for students who paid for Pro-rated Lessons.
If, however, you've enrolled for Full-Term but at the Same Time want extra lessons but can't commit to Full-Term for the 2nd class: Additional lesson(s) will be pro-rated without any discount.
For this case, if you paid for 5 or more additional lessons, you'll be given 1 extra quota for non-medical MUL.
Again, please note that MULs are not an entitlement.
Medical MUL:
MUL(s) due to medical reason will require an official medical document support from your doctor to be emailed or Telegram to Ballet51 within the Same Term.
There is no limit to MUL(s) with medical document support (subject to above Conditions).
Without any of the document support stated above, it will be deemed as non-medical and subjected to 2 MULs per Full-Term class enrolled per term (subject to above Conditions).
Change of MUL Date:
A Processing Fee will be imposed for Change of MUL Date/Time. You can only make the change Once.
We are unable to entertain any Change of Date/Time if request is made after your MUL Date and Start Time.
MUL Cancellation or "No Show":
Absence (with or without Medical Certificate), cancellation or "no show" will be considered as "attended" due to space being reserved specifically for you.
The moment your MUL is approved, your "absent" slot is released and no longer yours. So, you can't cancel your MUL and go back to your slot as if nothing has happened. Someone may have already taken it. Even if it's available and you want to go back to it, it's considered a change as that slot is no longer yours and Processing Fee applies.
There is no MUL for MUL.
Do check with your classmates what you have missed as all our classes (with exception of Foundation and Pointe Beginner) are ongoing classes with new steps or set combinations being taught every once in a while where appropriate.
There are No MUL for Foundation and Beginner Pointe Classes as there is no other level the student can go unless there is another Foundation / Beginner Pointe class within the Same Term (subject to above Conditions).
11. Transfer Lesson Updated
Term or make-up lesson(s) cannot be brought forward (transfer) to the next term unless it is for medical reasons that require a long period of rest that extends beyond the current term.
Note: This must be clearly indicated in the medical document support stating the date of commencement to the date of completion. Open-ended or unspecified dates will not be accepted.
If that is the case, a Request for Transfer along with a copy of the relevant Medical Certificate or Letter from your doctor is to be emailed or screenshot to Ballet51 Dance Studio before the Registered Term ends. This is to ensure you've sought medical advice and found out the root source and cause of the injury to prevent future re-occurrence.
Lesson(s) brought forward (transferred) for the above reason can only be done once and cannot be spread over different terms.
If the class you’re currently enrolled in is Full, you will only be allowed to transfer 50% of your unused lessons (rounded up to nearest integer) to another term. So, if you have 3 lessons left, you can transfer 2 lessons to the next term. There are opportunity costs incurred here as your slot could have been given to someone else. Hence, it's best to find a replacement for your slot as that slot was previously reserved Only for you.
Once Lesson(s) is/are transferred, there will be No Refund.
We are unable to hold a transfer indefinitely. Hence, there's a one(1) year validity counting from the Term in which you registered. However, Ballet51 Dance Studio reserves the right to change this validity without any compensation as Transfer of Lesson(s), through no fault of the School, is another Goodwill from us. It is not an entitlement.
12. Do you still have lessons if there is Haze?
We will postpone lesson(s) when Haze reaches a
“Very Unhealthy Range” of > 200 PSI.
When that happens, we will put a notice at our Online Class Calendar.
Updates about the Haze condition in Singapore are available at
13. Class Fees
Please see our Class Fees here.
Class fees do not include administrative services.
Our school is run in the most cost effective way for students. So, almost everything is DIY and available online here in this website for your convenience and advance planning like our online class calendar/schedule, Student Corner for announcement & attendance tracking, The Dance Blog for ballet wear & technique related matters, etc.
Processing Fee will be charged for other matters. More details at Item #25 below.
14. How do I make Payment?
PayNow (Singapore) is Preferred.
Below are the official logo(s):
~ All payments to be made in Singapore Dollars (S$) at least 1 week in advance of lesson date(s).
~ Admin fee will be charged if you pay via other modes like PayLah!, Google Pay, Pay Anyone, etc, that requires extra tracing & verification of your payment.
Please see Admin Fee here.
(PayLah! & other payment modes do not reveal actual name of payee which makes it difficult for us to trace and identify, hence admin fees apply.)
~ Payment that supports PayNow is Not PayNow.
~ Hence, admin fee applies to all other payment modes where extra tracing & verification is needed to ascertain your payment.
For Credit/Debit Card payment, please see Card Payment Top-up Fee here.
We will let you know the payment details in our reply email once you register online with us at the Class Registration page.
15. Are there any discounts?
Yes, there are but it's Only For Full-Term enrolment.
We also have special rates for Full-Time Dance Practitioners and NSF (Verification needed).
Please click here for the different types of discounts available.
16. Do you Pro-rate class fees if I can’t make it for a full-term?
Yes we do.
Pro-rating is available for payment of 5 or more lessons within the same term.
Payment must be made in one lump sum and not in instalments.
Discounts are not applicable here.
Make-up Lessons (MUL) whether medical or non-medical are not applicable here too.
Less than 5 lessons will be charged at Single Lesson rate. See Item #17 below
Not applicable for Foundation Class and Pre-Pointe / Beginner Pointe Class as both classes are meant to be taken as a whole course as this is where we lay the foundation of ballet steps and pointe work respectively.
All the other classes are on-going. Hence, the pro-rating.
All Dates of Attendance must be submitted along with payment for pro-rated fees.
This is not a "card" system or a come-when-you-are-available system.
17. How much is a Single Lesson for Assessment?
Please see our Class Fees here.
[Not applicable for Foundation and all Pointe Classes.]
-- Note this is Not a Private lesson.
-- Dress appropriately for Class as we have a dress code for ballet class. See items #3 & #4 above.
-- Payment to be made via PayNow in advance. Details will be made known to you after you've indicated interest in attending our class via our online registration form.
-- This Fee will be pro-rated if you decide to continue with Full-Term enrolment or take a total of 5 or more lessons within the Same Term.
18. Can I just come to observe class?
For the comfort of all our students and security reasons, we regret that we are unable to allow observation of classes by non-enrolled, non-prepaid students.
Enrolled students for Current term may come observe their own class if they are unwell to exercise but well enough to watch class, subject to COVID-19 Health Advisory.
Much can be learned from watching class.
Do note that this will be counted as your attendance.
However, during this period of pandemic, we encourage you to stay home if you show symptoms like sore throat, loss of taste or smell, fever, cough, runny nose. Data taken from MOH website, FAQ under A. General Info, Q3.
19. How do I register for class?
For security reasons, we are unable to accept Walk-Ins.
To Register your interest for class, kindly click here.
20. How can I join your Pointe Class?
Pointe Class is By Invitation Only and for current students of Ballet51 (Level 1 upwards).
Pointe Class must be taken together with a Technique Class within the same term.
There are Pre-requisites for each Pointe Level. Do check it out here.
21. I'm pregnant. Can I still take Class?Updated
For the 1st Trimester, unfortunately No (unless supported by your doctor's letter indicating it is okay for you to continue taking ballet class).
Subsequent trimesters, we'll need your doctor or husband's letter of approval.
Even then, you'll be limited to only barre work with No grand plie, grand battement, releve, fast movements, balances, cambre, full turns, jumps and any form of exercise that exerts undue pressure on the abdominal area which is not good for the baby.
Click here to read the experiences of some of our pregnant students who continued to take ballet class while pregnant until they are almost due for delivery.
22. Where are you located?
We are @544A Serangoon Road (above Bruno's Italian Restaurant).
We are a short distance from Farrer Park MRT Station and City Square Mall.
For more details, please visit here.
23. Is there Parking Available?
Yes, there are various parking facilities.
For more details, please visit here.
Just scroll down to find it.
24. Refund Policy Updated
Fees paid are non-refundable. This is printed on every receipt emailed upon payment.
Fees are refunded for unconducted lessons when the School is unable to fulfill it's obligation or find a solution to continue the class(es) for the term. Fees will Not be refunded in such cases when a solution has been given but the student is unable or unwilling to particpate. Fees will not be refunded for MUL(s).
Fees are also non-transferable without express permission from Ballet51 Dance Studio.
Exceptions to the above may be made on a case-by-case basis which may include a "penalty fee or percentage cut".
As a goodwill (and to prevent abuse of our goodwill), we do refund when it is for Medical Reasons Only. Official Medical document(s) is/are then required for us to process the refund.
If the class you’re currently enrolled in is Full or after Term has already started, we will only be able to refund 50% of the unused portion of your fees due to opportunity costs incurred as that slot was Reserved Only for you. Your slot could have been given to someone else instead.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give refunds for work-related, school-related or personal issues. For these reasons, we have made provision for make up lessons and allow make up lessons to be taken in advance within the Same Term. (See item #10 above for more details.)
You can, however, get a classmate to take over your slot but permission must First be sought from Ballet51 so that records can be set straight. Replacement(s) must be for the Same Term. Thereafter, that student who replaces your slot will have to pay you Directly for your unused lessons.
Ballet51 will Not become the intermediary.
Due to the nature of this replacement, replacement student cannot ask for any refund thereafter regardless of the reason(s).
If you can't find anyone to replace your slot, we may work with you on a case-by-case basis but no guarantee will be given.
Request for refund, concessions, etc of a Term that has already ended will not be entertained unless it is for medical reasons with official medical document support, subject to above conditions.
Ballet51 reserves the right to reject requests made that are detrimental to the reputation and business of running this school.
Note: All Requests for refund Must be made directly and personally to Ballet51 Dance Studio.
Any request for refund made through any agency or already appeared in media of any form without first consulting Ballet51 Dance Studio will incur a fee charge of 80% of the actual refund amount plus any fees that the agency charges or expenses incurred by the school.
This fee Cannot be waived for whatever reason since a record has been filed with that agency (whether in private or otherwise) or already appeared in media of any form regardless whether it still exists or not.
Ballet51 Dance Studio would like to encourage student(s) to first seek advice or consult with the school in order to solve an issue amicably.
25. Processing Fee Updated
We value adult responsibility and integrity. Our School Policy points towards it. We have made all information readily available online for this purpose. To ensure students take personal responsibility for their decisions & actions and for those who need further assistance, admin and/or processing fee(s) applies.
Processing Items | Charges/Fees (S$) |
1. Reprint of Starter-Kit Notes, Receipt, Attendance Report, Admin work in any form. | $15.00 per item |
2. Change of Make-up Lesson Date (without Medical documentation). Can only change ONCE. See item #10 above for details Or Assistance on Your behalf (with issues that are already available online, booking of Make-up Lesson, etc). |
$15.00 per item |
3. Refund of fees in class that is Fully subscribed or after Term has started or for non-medical reasons with expressed permission from Ballet51 or for medical reasons but without medical document support. See item #24 above for details. |
50% of Refund Amount. Minimum Single Lesson rate. |
4. Refund request made through other means without prior approval or permission from Ballet51 Dance Studio. See item #24 above for details. |
80% of Refund Amount + any charges incurred in the process. |
5. Flouting of School & Studio Policies | S$50.00 per offence or Suspension / Expulsion from school without compensation depending on severity of offence. See item #29 below for details. |
26. Changes to Personal Info
If there are any changes to your contact details, kindly update the information here ~ or ~ Telegram me.
27. Changes to FAQs, Terms and Privacy Policy
Ballet51 Dance Studio reserves the right to make changes to any part of the website and to add to or change these Terms or the Privacy Policy. Do refer to the Terms above whenever you access our website. Every time you access our website, you agree to the Terms and the Privacy Policy as varied or amended from time to time.
28. Personal Data Protection
The Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “PDPA”) establishes a general data protection law in Singapore which governs the collection, use, and disclosure of individuals’ personal data by organisations. The PDPA contains 2 main sets of provisions, covering data protection and the Do Not Call registry (the “DNC”). The Do Not Call registry has come into effect on 2 January 2014 and the data protection provisions have taken effect on the 2 July 2014. If you have registered your Singapore telephone numbers, including mobile, fixed-line, residential and business numbers with the registry, the school is unable to contact you via these telephone number(s) for anything other than information related to your current registered classes.
By signing on the registration form during your first lesson, you agree that Ballet51 may collect, use and disclose your personal data as provided for the purpose (in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012) to process your registration application. Your continued attendance of classes, workshops, activities or productions shall deem to be your acceptance of our right to use your personal contact details currently available within the studio. To comply with the PDPA, we hereby seek your consent to use your personal contact details that you provided upon registration and currently available with the studio, including your phone numbers and email address for sending you information related to new events, studio activities, and promotions. This will allow us to keep you updated on the studio’s latest happenings, news-related messages, events, and promotions.
Be assured that your personal contact details will otherwise be kept confidential. Ballet51 will Not disclose your personal data unless for the reason(s) stated above. Hence, if you loan or borrow things to or from your classmates, please ask them directly for their contact info.
As of 1 Sep 2019, Ballet51 Dance Studio will no longer collect or retain NRIC / Passport Numbers of our students for registration and identification purposes. All collected NRIC / Passport numbers will be deleted from our database and paper forms. Instead, we will only collect students' Full Names (as in NRIC / Passport) as a form of identification for registration purpose.
29. Right to admit, decline or dismiss student(s) Updated
Ballet51 Dance Studio reserves the right to move student(s) up or down a level, admit, decline or dismiss any student(s) at its sole discretion. Noncompliant(s) to School & Studio Policies is/are liable for compensation or have lesson(s) forfeited or explusion from School without compensation in serious cases deemed by the School.
30. Right to use photos and videos
Ballet51 Dance Studio reserves the right to use any photographs and videos taken from classes and Ballet51 performances for publicity and promotional activities. The Studio reserves all rights on the materials in any form of media. No copying or reproduction is allowed without prior permission sought from Ballet51 Dance Studio.
31. Terms and Conditions Updated
All fees must be paid in Singapore Dollars (S$) 1 week in advance before Class commences.
Participants with a history of serious illness, are unfit or unsure of the status of their health should obtain medical clearance before joining any exercise activity.
Ballet51 will not be responsible, nor will it be required to compensate, for any cost of any loss, damage or injury caused to the participant when he or she is at or around the premises of the school or due to acts of God (Force Majeure) or similar events, terrorism, riot, civil commotion, pandemic, changes in the law of the land where Ballet51 is unable to conduct class(es) to the best of her ability.
The Participant shall be liable for any damage or loss to the school arising from negligence on the part of the Participant.
There shall be no refund under any circumstances except due to medical reasons or cancellation of class by Ballet51. Requests for refund must be made within the period of the current Term and Not after.
Make-up lesson(s) is a Goodwill from us, Not an entitlement and should be completed within the same term unless due to medical reasons.
The Participant shall adhere to the above rules and regulations as stipulated, and comply with the directions of Ballet51. Noncompliant(s) is/are liable for lesson(s) forfeited or expulsion without compensation, depending on the severity of the offence.
Ballet51 reserves the right to add, amend, waive, cancel and/or suspend any of the rules and regulations without prior notice.
By signing the registration form, you agree that Ballet51 may collect, use and disclose your personal data as provided for purpose (in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012) to process your application.